City of Forada Contact Information
Hometown Planning does not work with the City of Forada regarding day-to-day zoning or any other city matters.
To contact the CIty, call the City Clerk (Jo Kluver) at 320-762-9772 or by email at: [email protected].
For information about the City's updated Comprehensive Plan (which was developed with the assistance of Hometown Planning), see below or contact the City directly.
To contact the CIty, call the City Clerk (Jo Kluver) at 320-762-9772 or by email at: [email protected].
For information about the City's updated Comprehensive Plan (which was developed with the assistance of Hometown Planning), see below or contact the City directly.
The Forada Comprehensive Plan was adopted
by the Forada City Council
on July 8, 2019.
Project DescriptionIn the summer of 2018, the City of Forada hired Hometown Planning to assist in the development of the City's first Comprehensive Plan. Work on the project has been ongoing since August 2018. A public hearing on the draft Comprehensive Plan for the CIty of Forada was held June 17, 2019. The City Council adopted the Comprehensive Plan on July 8, 2019.
A Comprehensive Plan is a land use planning document that attempts to lay out a vision for the future of a community and a plan for future action. Typically, there are several areas of focus within a “Comp Plan” - how land is used for public and private development, transportation infrastructure, natural resource management, economic development, coordination of governance and others. It asks, and answers, the following basic questions:
E-mail UpdatesIf you would like to receive e-mail updates for this project, please sign up here:
Public Involvement
The process of developing the City's Comprehensive Plan will include many opportunities for public involvement:
Public MeetingsPublic Hearing, June 17, 2019: The public hearing to take comment on the draft Comprehensive Plan for the City of Forada was held at City Hall, on Monday, June 17 and remained open for comments until July 8, 2019. At that time, the plan was officially adopted by the City Council.
Public Meeting, September 17, 2018: The first meeting to review the planning process and gather input from the community was held on Monday, September 17th. After a brief presentation, questions and discussion followed on the issues that community members see as the most important to address now and over the next 1-10 years. City Council, October 8, 2018: The responses from the community survey were reviewed with the City Council and residents in attendance. |